Everybody Settles
For how many years
did you manage to retain
that youthful arrogance

Haven’t seen you for how long?
it’s been years
you seem slightly worn down

Please don’t be embarrassed
it’s the same old story
you didn’t stand a chance

A few things were accomplished
a little ink, a way of seeing
some faint renown

Everybody settles
success is not redemption
and like any artist
you’ll rejoice in each deception
with that fierce bravado
you once split life like a drill
now they’re coming back in for the kill

if water still boils
if fire still burns
in this economy of diminishing returns

you still can’t believe
my sweet, dumb luck
has pornography destroyed your will to fuck
has pornography destroyed your will to fuck
has pornography destroyed your will to fuck
Piano and Voice: Jacob Wren
Recording: Radwan Ghazi Moumneh (hotel2tango)